The tool TacticAI analyzed over 7000 videos to create moves. Credits: Alex Livesey/Getty Images/reprodução

On March 19th, Google scientists released the first results from artificial intelligence that can create football strategies and predict corner kicks. The project, named TacticAI, was developed in partnership with the Liverpool FC team from England.

“TacticAI incorporates both a predictive component and a generative component, allowing coaches to effectively sample and explore alternative player setups for each corner kick routine and to select those with the highest predicted likelihood of success,” wrote the project’s leader Zhe Wang in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

The first AI experiments were focused on corner kicks (when the ball goes out of fi eld in one of the corners and the player needs to kick from there). The computer analyzed over 7000 videos to come up with the best spots on the fi eld to position players for a corner kick. The results were combined with strategies created by humans, and presented to five members of the Liverpool FC coaching staff, who were unable to tell which tactics had been created by AI.

“We focus on analysing corner kicks, as they offer coaches the most direct opportunities for interventions and improvements”, Wang wrote. As this JOCA issue went to press, the technology was not available to the public yet.


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