At the end of September, a 300 metres long spider web covered a beach in the town on Aitoliko, Greece. Specialists believe that tetragnatha spiders are responsible for the tangle.

Some of the explanations for that are the humidity and high temperatures of the last few weeks. They made the number of mosquitoes in the area increase. The mosquitoes attracted more spiders because they are food for them.

Greek researchers say there is nothing to be worried about. The spiders cannot hurt humans, and the spider web should disappear soon.

1) According to the text, why did the spider web appear?

a) Because the spiders have problems making webs
b) Because the increase in the amount of mosquitoes in the area attracted more spiders
c) Because the spiders are reproducing themselves in an uncontrolled manner
d) Because several spiders escaped from a zoo in Greece

2) What would you do if you were close to a beach that had a giant spider web? Explain your answer.


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