A German circus innovated in the way it presents animals in its shows. Since 2018, instead of using real animals, the Circus Roncalli has been using holograms of animals like elephants, horses, and fish in its presentations. Holography is a technique used so three-dimensional images appear as real objects.

The holograms are projected onto the arena, move around stage, make noise, and perform tricks for the audience – the elephant, for example, stands on its two front paws.

The idea of using technology to represent animals came up in 2016 when the circus’ owner, Bernhard Paul, saw the American pop star Justin Timberlake sing next to a hologram of Prince, a singer who had died that year. “I was so impressed with the holographic technique that I wanted to use it in the circus,” he said in an interview to JOCA.

Thus, Paul hired a team of 3D designers and software engineers to create specific holograms for the circus shows. After it was used in presentations, the technology impressed people all over the world: newspapers from over 100 countries published articles about the novelty with the circus’ show becoming the most seen in Europe last year.

Circus animals

After using real horses for 30 years in presentations, in 2018, the Circus Roncalli stopped using them because of the challenges posed by their transportation and shelter. “We received over 20 thousand emails and letters from all over the world, and 95% of them were positive and praised our decision to no longer use animals,” said Paul.

Today, there are campaigns all over the world that support banning the use of animals in circus presentations. Animal rights groups state that the use of animals is harmful to their well-being because they are kept away from their natural environment and might be forced to live in precarious conditions.

In Brazil, 10 states including Alagoas, São Paulo, Goiás and Rio de Janeiro have banned the use of animals in circus shows.

Sources: Huff Post Brasil.


1) Which of the options below is not true?
a) In general, the audience reacted well to the idea of using holograms in presentations.
b) Animal holograms were created specifically for the Circus Roncalli presentations.
c) The hologram of a dead singer was the inspiration for the animal holograms.
d) All states in Brazil have prohibited the use of animals in circuses.

2) What did you think of Circus Roncalli’s initiative of using animal holograms in presentations?

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