Imagine that you often go to the beach and, once in a while, you see telephones shaped like Garfield. This is what has been occurring in the French region of Brittany for over 30 years.

Now, the mystery has been solved. René Morvan, a diver, uncovered the secret. In one of his dives, René found a container with these types of telephones inside a cave. The cave was only accessible when the tide was low.

Then, René called the group Ar Viltansoù, which works to preserve the environment. Suspicions were confirmed: this whole time, the phones were coming from a container that probably fell from a ship during a storm.

According to what was observed on site, it is not possible to remove the container from the cave. The telephones will have to be removed from the beaches to avoid polluting the oceans.


1) According to the text, what is the cave like?
a) It is kilometres away from the coastline.
b) The cave is so big that it is difficult to find the telephones in there.
c) It is only possible to enter the cave when the tide is low.
d) It is the smallest cave in the world.

2) Which is your favourite character from comic strips like Garfield?

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