Credits: Guinness World Records

By coincidence, the nine members of the Mangi family from Lakarna, a city in Pakistan, have something unusual in common: all their birthdays fall on August 1st. Ameer Ali and Khudeja are parents to seven children between the ages of 19 and 30. These include four twins: Ammar and Ahmar, Sasui and Sapna. Their parents were also born on August 1st, and Ameer and Khudeja were also married on this day in 1991.

On July 10th, the Guinness Book of World Records officially recognized the Mangi family as the family with the most members born on the same date.

Khudeja points out that she had all her children through natural childbirth, that is, that none of the births were scheduled. The seven siblings (Sindhoo, the twin sisters Sasui and Sapna, Aamir, Ambar, and the twin brothers Ammar and Ahmar) also hold another record: the largest number of siblings born on the same day.

Sources: Guinness World Records, O Globo, and R7

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