A group of three visitors is being sued after being banned from Yellowstone National Park, in the United States. The group is being sued for trying to cook two chickens in hot springs. Thermal springs sometimes form naturally heated lakes. The event took place in August. No punishment has been sentenced to the family yet.  Fines could vary between 500 and 1,200 dollars (that is, between 2,600 and 6,300 reais, approximately).

Problems began when security guards saw the meal being prepared and then kicked out the gang from the park.  The guards said park rules had been violated, since it is prohibited to immerse objects in the hot springs. The trio has also been banned from visiting Yellowstone for two years.

Sources: DH News, Superinteressante, and The New York Times


1) Which punishment has the group not received yet?
a) A fine
b) They will be told to leave the site.
c) The group will be banned from Yellowstone for two years.
d) They will be expelled from the United States.

2) What do you think of the group’s behaviour in the park?

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