The idea of doing homework is even older than you think. Proof of this is the remains of the homework of an ancient Egyptian from almost 1800 years ago. It will be shown starting in April at the British Library in London, the capital of England.

At that time, Egyptians used a piece of wood covered with wax (as a notebook page) and a sharp tool to write. They did not use pencil and paper.

On the homework that will be exhibited to the public, the student had to write phrases like “you should only accept advice from a very wise man” in ancient Greek. This shows that not only writing exercises were given, but also life lessons.  Multiplication tables and reading activities were also part of the homework.

Sources: Hypescience, Galileu magazine, and UOL


1) According to the text, what type of material did Egyptians use to do their homework?
a) A steel plate and a clay pencil.
b) Wood and something sharp to write.
c) They used their nails and wrote on walls.
d) The ashes from bonfires.

2) Do you think that doing your homework is important? Why?

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