Pistachio was the name given to a dog that was born on October 9th in Italy. Why? It has green hair. Four other puppies were born from the same litter (set of animals that are born at one time from the same mother), but Pistachio is the only one that does not have white hair.

This phenomenon is rare. Experts believe that it occurs when the dog comes into contact, inside the mother’s belly, with a substance called biliverdin – a pigment that makes our skin greenish when we have bruises. It shows up after a bump, for example. Pistachio’s unusual hair color should disappear with time, as the green fades away.

Sources: G1, National Post, and The Independent


1) Which statement is true?

a) Pistachio is his mother’s only puppy.
b) The green color in Pistachio’s hair will get darker over time.
c) Pistachio will probably turn less green over time.
d) Dogs are often born green.

2) What would you name a dog that was born green? Why?

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