(Image by: Video reproduction)

A video on Mariana Molla Navarro’s Tik Tok, posted on September 14th,went viral. Ted, her German Spitz dog, destroyed approximately 250 packs of stickers from the 2022 World Cup album. Mariana and her husband Guilherme had paid 3.50 reais for each of the packages they bought to be resold in their store. They lost almost 875 reais.

In the video, Ted is hiding in a room, after Mariana filmed the mess made by the animal. “Is your dog also collecting stickers?”, she jokes in the caption.


1) What was the approximate cost of the damage that Ted caused Mariana and Guilherme?

a) 3.50 reais

b) 250 reais

c) 875 reais

d) 2,022 reais

2) What would you do if you found out that your dog had ruined your album’s stickers?

Sources: Tik Tok and UOL

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