..the largest animal in the world is the blue whale? The US National Marine Mammal Laboratory estimates that it can reach 30 meters in length (the same as five regular buses in a row). It is also the heaviest animal, weighing over 180 tons (the same as 30 savannah elephants).

…whales do not sleep like humans?  They need to go to the surface from time to time to breathe, so experts believe that they only take short naps. Another theory is that while one side of their brain is resting, the other is alert.

…sperm whales “sleep” vertically? When they are resting, their head or their tail is pointed up towards the surface.

…they can “imitate” human speech? That is what a 2012 study published by the National Marine Mammal Foundation in the United States concluded. Research has proven that, after living with a few divers, some whales started to communicate in a rhythm and with a frequency that was similar to that of human beings.

1) Which of these is not a skill that whales have?

a) Imitating the voice of humans
b) Sleeping vertically, in the case of sperm whales
c) Sleeping soundly
d) Napping

2) Do you know of any another animal that can imitate humans? If so, which one?

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