A tip from reader Letícia S.

… come from a region known as a stellar nursery? Stellar nurseries are giant clouds made up of gases and dust. As these elements come together, they detach from the clouds and begin to rotate until they become something that resembles a disk. When helium gas forms (by hydrogen particles joining each other), it creates a high amount of heat and light. That is when stars “are born”.

…do not last forever? Stars burn the gases that they are made of, which expands their volume (become wider). Meanwhile, gravity works in the opposite direction, causing them to compress. This creates the balance that is needed. When stars compress or expand too much, they die.

… The sun is a star? It has more gravity than Earth. The Sun’s gravitational force attracts planets and moons, for example, and is one of the things that maintain the Solar System as it is today.

… have several colours? A star’s colour varies according to its temperature. The warmest ones are white or blue, and the coldest ones are orange or red.


1) Which of these statements is not true?

a) Stars have various colours.

b) The Sun is a star.

c) Stars have a single temperature.

d) Stars do not last forever.

2) Have you ever watched the stars? If so, tell us what you thought about that moment.

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