…the longest hair in the world is three times the height of its owner? Chinese Xie Qiuping stopped cutting her hair in 1973 so it could reach 5.6 meters. Qiuping ended up in the Guinness Book, the book of records, and retains the title to this day.

…a lock of hair from singer Elvis Presley was sold for 4,000 pounds (which today is equivalent to close to 28,000 reais) at an auction? The artist lived from 1935 to 1977, and his hair was sold in 2020.

…our hair grows, on average, 15 centimetres per year? The length is equivalent to that of a common ballpoint pen.

…there is a Hair Museum? In Avanos, Turkey, you can visit an exhibition that still provides scissors for anyone who wants to contribute to the collection.

…it is common to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day? This is a natural process of renewal. While some hairs are coming out, others are falling out.

1) On average, how long does hair grow per year?
a) 100 cm
b) 50 cm
c) 15 cm
d) 19 cm

2) Would you go years without cutting your hair, like Xie Qiuping, to break a record? Why?

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