…the Dead Sea is not really a sea, but a lake? This is because it is not connected to an ocean, just to the Jordan River.

…it has this name because the high concentration of salt makes it so that no living being could survive there? The Dead Sea is about ten times saltier than any ocean. Only bacteria that can filter salt can survive in its waters.

…it is almost impossible for anyone to sink in the Dead Sea? That is because of the high concentration of salt, which makes the water denser than the human body.

…is the lowest point on Earth? The Dead Sea is about 430 meters below sea level.

…the Dead Sea has a kind of natural sunscreen? The steam that rises from the sea helps protect the skin from sun rays called UVB (or ultraviolet B), which can cause skin disease and blemishes.

… is disappearing? Due to factors such as global warming (which causes water to evaporate) and diverting the Jordan River to supply people with water, the Dead Sea is drying up.

1) Why is the Dead Sea not a sea?
a) Because it is not attached to any ocean
b) Because of the high concentration of salt
c) Because it is very difficult to sink in its waters
d) Because of the bacteria that live in it

2) Would you try swimming in the Dead Sea? Why?

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