… some scientists think viruses are living beings, but others do not? Although viruses do not have cells and cannot reproduce by themselves, they can evolve and carry genetic material (which means they pass on their traits to their descendants) – two aspects that are typical of living beings.

… viruses need living beings? Without “invading” a host, they cannot reproduce. When they get inside living beings, they contaminate them with diseases.

… there are more than 3,200 types of viruses that can be caught by mammals ( creatures that need mother’s milk, such as cows and humans)? This is what a study by scientists from Columbia University in the United States estimated in 2016. However, most viruses do not cause serious disease.

… there is research on whether certain viruses are effective in treating some types of cancer?

Sources: Mundo Educação, Revista Saúde, Só Biologia, Superinteressante, and Veja S. Paulo


1) What can viruses not do?
a) Cause diseases.
b) Pass their traits onto their descendants.
c) Reproduce on their own.
d) Invade other organisms.

2) What measures do you know that can protect you from the virus?


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