…THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) RECOMMENDS CONSUMING ONLY 25 GRAMS (G) OF SUGAR PER DAY? It is also recommended that no more than 50g be consumed daily (a teaspoon of refined sugar is equivalent to 24g).

…THE LIGHTER THE SUGAR, THE LESS HEALTHY IT IS? White indicates that the sugar has had more chemicals added during the manufacturing process.

…SUGAR IN DARKER SHADES IS HEALTHIER? Sugars including muscovado contain vitamins and minerals and are closer to their natural state.

…BRAZIL IS THE LARGEST SUGAR MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD? In Brazil, it is mainly produced from sugar cane. The canes are ground and the juice that is extracted from them undergoes different processes until sugar crystals are obtained.

…THE TALLEST SUGAR SCULPTURE IN THE WORLD WAS 3.91 METERS TALL? It was created in 2006 in Minnesota, United States, and is a miniature of the John Hancock building in Chicago.

…MANY PLACES MAKE SUGAR OUT OF BEETS? It is produced from sugar beet, a light-colored beet.

…SUGAR IN DARKER SHADES IS HEALTHIER? Sugars including muscovado contain vitamins and minerals and are closer to their natural state.

Sources: Brasil Escola, Energy, Guinness World Records, Institute of Agricultural Economics (IEA), Mega Curioso and UOL


1) Which type of sugar is healthier, contains vitamins and minerals, and is closer to its natural state?

a) Light sugars

b) Sugar made from beets

c) Dark sugars

d) Sugar made from sugar cane

2) How much sugar do you consume daily? Do you think it is important to be aware of this?

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