Space exploration
By Catarina B., age 12

… in 2019, we will celebrate 50 years since man landed on the Moon? The American astronaut, Neil Armstrong was the first one to step on the lunar surface, on July 20th, 1969, after travelling aboard the Apollo XI spacecraft. He was with two other astronauts, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.

… the first living being to orbit Earth was the Russian dog Laika? She travelled aboard the Sputnik 2 rocket, which was launched on November 3rd, 1957. Even though she died a few hours after the launch of the spacecraft, Laika went around the Earth 2,570 times.

… Russian Yuri Gagarin was the first human being to go on a space flight on April 12th, 1961? He completed the first lap around Earth’s orbit in one hour and 48 minutes, at a height of 315 kilometres and a speed of 28 kilometres per hour.

… NASA plans to send humans to Mars? The goal is to have people on Earth’s neighbouring planet by 2030. Probes and robots sent there have already found essential resources, such as ice, for man’s survival.


1) According to the text, when did man make the first trip to space?
a) In 1969, when he stepped on the Moon for the first time.
b) In 1957, with Neil Armstrong’s trip through Earth’s orbit.
c) In 1930, when Yuri Gagarin and Laika the dog travelled on the Sputnik 2 rocket.
d) In 1961, when Russian Yuri Gagarin completed the first lap around Earth’s orbit.

2) Would you like to live on Mars? Explain your answer.

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