Curiosities about sleep.
… because of electronic devices and equipment that give out a lot of light, people are going to sleep much later? It is estimated that in the second half of the 20th century, the number of hours people sleep has decreased about 90 minutes in the United States.
… not sleeping enough makes the body produce less leptin, a hormone that regulates the sensation of feeling full? Because of this, we eat more.
… during sleep, the body produces GH, also known as the growth hormone? But just sleeping well is not enough to grow in a healthy manner. Other factors, such as healthy eating and physical exercises, are also important.
… sleeping is important for memory? During sleep, the brain reorganizes the register of what happened during the day according to the usefulness of the information. This makes it easier to use those memories in the future.
1) According to the text, why is sleep important for memory?
a) Because dreams are essential in this process
b) Because the GH improves memory
c) Because we need eight hours of sleep each night to set our memories
d) Because it is during sleep that the brain reorganizes what happened during the day
Correct answer: D
2) Does the use of electronic devices before going to bed disturb your sleep? Why?
Ainda não é assinante? Assine agora e tenha acesso ilimitado ao conteúdo do Joca.
because you can not sleep
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