(Photo by Pawel Czerwinski RklsyD_AVvc/Unsplash/reproduction)

THE RECYCLING RATE IN BRAZIL IS ONLY 4%? This means that only 4% of all recyclable materials in Brazil are actually recycled. This data comes from the Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies (Abrelpe).

…ELECTRONIC DEVICES CAN ALSO BE RECYCLED? Their parts are made from copper, silver, and even gold, and all can be recovered. According to the United Nations (UN), however, only a fifth of them is currently being recycled.

…SCIENTISTS HAVE DISCOVERED SUPER LARVAE THAT CAN HELP RECYCLE PLASTICS? Larvae of a species of beetle can digest this material. Australian experts are studying the discovery.

…STYROFOAM CAN BE RECYCLED? However, because it is a more complicated and expensive process, it is not economically viable for most companies and cooperatives that recycle it.


1) Why is styrofoam not often recycled?

a) Because we do not know how to do it

b) Because the process to recycle it is expensive

c) Because not a lot of styrofoam is available

d) Because it cannot be recycled

2) If you had to create a campaign to encourage people to recycle more, what would you do?

Sources: Agência Brasil, eCycle, National Geographic and UOL

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