… a gamer became so popular that he became a character in his favourite game? Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins is like a Pelé for Fortnite, a competitive online game by Epic Games.

… many of them live together in training centres? These so-called gaming houses are where professional players train and live. They follow a strict schedule, wake up early to play games for many hours, and study strategies together.

… they all exercise? Physical activity helps control anxiety and deal with the stress of competitions. Therefore, e-sports teams encourage their players to practice traditional sports. They refer to it as a “mind-body connection”.

… the audience for the Brazilian League of Legends championship grew by 89% in 2020? The new coronavirus pandemic has made more people become interested in electronic sports, which can be practiced at a distance. Thus, the audience for the CBLOL championship exploded.

Source: Jovem Nerd, The Enemy, and UOL.


1) According to the text, why did the audience of the Brazilian League of Legends championship grow in 2020?

a) Because it was the first championship of its kind to take place in the country
b) Because the pandemic has made people do more things remotely and online
c) Because the disputes were better this year
d) Because international teams participated

2) Would you like to become a professional gamer? Explain your answer.

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Comentários (1)

  • Vinicius Vieira Almeira de Andrade

    3 anos atrás

    I don't like ninja

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