…a punch from the mantis shrimp can break a glass? The animal uses its claws to punch the victim in the face. The victim could be a crab or a shellfish. Aside from being strong, the punch happens extremely quickly – 50 times faster than the blink of the human eye.

… the flea can jump as high as 100 times its size? Some specialists believe that if these animals were the same size as a human, they would jump to the top of the Empire State Building in New York, in the United States. The Empire State is 381 metres tall; it is one of the tallest buildings in the world.

… the peregrine falcon is the quickest animal in the world? The bird, which can be found in countries like Brazil and the United States, can reach the speed of 320 km/h. In 2018, the former Formula 1 pilot Felipe Massa raced against a peregrine falcon using a Formula-E vehicle (powered by electricity). The Brazilian pilot won the race, but not by much.

… there is a type of beetle that can carry 1.141 times its weight? These species of beetles are known in science as the Onthophagus Taurus. They use their strength to defeat other males and mate with females. Their strength is thought to be equivalent to that of a 70 kilo man carrying 60 cars piled high.


1) What can we conclude from the expression Onthophagus taurus?
a) It is the beetle’s popular name
b) It is the beetle’s scientific name
c) It is the beetle’s ancient name
d) It is the name of all beetle species

2) Which of these animals are the most impressive to you? Why?

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