…octopuses can change colour in just three tenths of a second? For example, to escape predators, they acquire the look of the environment they are in and end up resembling elements such as stones and plants. In this way, they become almost unrecognizable.

…they are the only animals that have three hearts and eight brains? Scientists still do not know what caused octopuses to develop so many organs during their evolution.

…they are considered extremely intelligent? The average octopus has almost 500 million neurons (the structure responsible for receiving and transmitting information to the body), roughly the same amount as a dog. Research also shows that they are very good at devising creative strategies to get food, for example.

…scientists suspect they are able to recognize people?  In one of the studies on this, at the University of Otago, New Zealand, an octopus was observed spraying a jet of water at a certain employee when she passed in front of its tank.

1) “A average octopus has almost 500 million neurons (the structure responsible for receiving and transmitting information to the body)”. Why were parentheses used in this sentence?
a) To explain what the word “neuron” meant
b) To highlight information
c) To mark a pause in the sentence
d) There is no specific reason.

2) Do you know any other fun facts about octopuses? Which?

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