… to have strong, sturdy, and healthy nails, it is important to eat a varied diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, and vitamins?

… cuticles, which are usually removed during a manicure, are important because they protect the area from bacteria and fungi? Doctors recommend that people not remove cuticles – pushing them back is a good alternative.

… the longest nails recorded in history belong to the Indian Shridhar Chillal, who spent 66 years without cutting them? Her longest nail, on her left thumb, measured 197.8 centimetres (about the length of an ordinary motorcycle). In 2018, when she was 82, Chillal cut her nails for the first time in six decades.

… your hand nails take four to six months to grow from root to tip? Toenails, on the other hand, take eight to 12 months for the same process to occur.

1) Why is cuticle removal not recommended?
a) Because it can make the area bleed
b) Because nails will take longer to grow
c) Because cuticles protect nails against fungi and bacteria
d) Because cuticles will stop growing

2) How do you care for your nails?

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