… the official height of Mount Everest is now 8,848.86 metres? It is the highest mountain in the world. The new height was announced on December 8th, 2020, after China and Nepal corrected the earlier information. The Chinese government had said the mountain measured 8,844.43 metres, while Nepal had said it was 8,848 metres.

… the people on the expedition to recalculate the height of the mountain were worried there would be a decrease in size? They were worried because a 2015 earthquake had damaged Mount Everest.

… there is an area of Mount Everest that is known as the “death zone”? It is a narrow path near the top, 8,000 metres above sea level. At that altitude, the human body has a difficult time because of low temperatures, which can get to -37º Celsius. Also, thin air (low amount of oxygen in the atmosphere) makes breathing difficult.

… more than 5,000 people have already reached the top of Mount Everest? The first to do so were New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary and Tibetan Tenzing Norgay in 1953.


1) According to the text, what could have reduced the height of Everest?

a) Climate change

b) Too many people in the “death zone”

c) The presence of researchers on the mountain

d) An earthquake

2) Would you like to reach the top of Mount Everest? Why?

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