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… ARE DIRTY? A study published in the United Kingdom showed that they have up to 18 times more bacteria than a toilet flush.

…THE FIRST MODEL WEIGHED MORE THAN ONE KILO? Motorola’s DynaTAC 8000X’s first call was made in 1973. The weight was not that bothersome, since it was created to be used in cars.

…THERE IS GOLD INSIDE MOBILE PHONES? But don’t get too excited: close to 40 devices are needed to gather just one gram of gold.

…BRAZIL HAS MORE MOBILE PHONES THAN PEOPLE? While there are close to 214.3 million people in Brazil, a 2022 study by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) showed that there are 242 million smartphones in use.

…IN THEORY, A MOBILE PHONE COULD TAKE YOU TO THE MOON? The data processing power of devices today is much greater than that of the first rocket that carried a human to the moon. While Apollo 11 had four megabytes of RAM (random access memory), now a 12 gigabytes mobile phone is quite common.

Sources: CanalTech, CNN Brasil, Exame, and Olhar Digital.

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