In China, if you eat everything that is on your plate, your hosts will think you are still hungry? To show that you are satisfied, it might be best to leave a little bit of food on your plate.

In Iran, traditional dinners are held sitting on rugs with legs crossed? According to Iranian tradition, women can only sit next to men if they are related.

More traditional South Koreans wait for the eldest in the group to start eating before they can eat? Also, based on tradition, one is only allowed to sit at the table after the eldest person has already sat.

Eating rice and beans at lunch is not common in most of the world? Although countries like Spain and South Korea eat rice during meals, the combination of rice and beans is not common outside of Latin America.

In Portugal and France, breakfast is called “little lunch”? It is thought that in Brazil, breakfast is referred to by a different name because drinking coffee in the morning is a very common habit here.

In Spain, some people take a short nap after lunch. The custom is called siesta and it usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes.

There are several rules for drinking tea in the United Kingdom? When stirring tea, for example, the spoon should not touch the edges of the cup. If this happens, the contact could make noise, which is considered impolite.

Chad, in northern central Africa, has the healthiest diet in the world? According to a survey by Cambridge University in England, Chad’s cuisine, which is rich in fruits and vegetables, helped place the country at the top of the list.

1) After reading the text, mark the option that is NOT correct:
A) All Iranians eat their meals sitting on rugs, regardless of their religion or place of residence.
B) The British think it is rude to make noise when stirring tea.
C) Portugal and Brazil use different words to refer to breakfast.
D) The eldest are very respected during meals in South Korea.

2) In your own words, explain why each country has its own customs when it comes to eating.


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