… there are people who believe that the Earth is flat? They are called Flat Earth believers. Some of the people who defend this theory say that, after much research and experimenting, they came to the conclusion that the Earth is a circular disk surrounded by a wall of ice – Antarctica.

… science has already shown that the Earth is a globe? Find out more about the scientific theories that prove that the Earth is not flat on JOCA’s website.

… in 2020, defenders of the Flat Earth theory will board a cruise to get to what they call the edge of the planet?

… Flat Earth believers think that NASA, the United States space agency, manipulates images taken in space, such as the trips to the Moon?

…the Greeks were the first ones to say that the Earth is round? For over two thousand years, scholars like Aristotle and Eratosthenes came to this conclusion based on a series of calculations and observations. A few historians believe that around the third century B.C., the majority of westerners with access to education had already accepted the idea that the Earth is a sphere.

Sources: Aventuras na História, BBC, Flat Earth Conference UOL, Folha de S. Paulo, Galileu, The Guardian, UOL, and Western Sydney University.


1)Which of the options below is correct?

a. The defenders of the Flat Earth theory have already gone on a trip to prove this idea.
b. According to science, the Earth may not be a globe.
c. Some Flat Earth believers think the Earth is surrounded by a wall of ice.
d. Flat Earth believers are Greek.

2) Why do you think some people still believe that the Earth is flat?

*Answer: C

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