MANY PEOPLE ALREADY EAT INSECTS AND LIKE THE TASTE? Ants are part of indigenous Brazilian cuisine, and the Japanese like to eat grasshoppers. Insects such as larvae, moths, beetles, and crickets are also appreciated in China, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and other countries.

INSECTS ARE GOOD SUBSTITUTES FOR BEEF, CHICKEN, OR PORK IN OUR DIET? They are nutritious (rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins) and need less water and grass.

MOSQUITOES HAVE ALMOST TWICE THE AMOUNT OF PROTEIN AS BEEF? Flies have 59% protein. Beef has 28% protein. Pork has 25% and chicken 23%.

OVERALL, THERE ARE 468 EDIBLE CRICKET SPECIES, 61 EDIBLE TERMITE SPECIES, AND 253 EDIBLE BUTTERFLY AND MOTH SPECIES? Humans can eat approximately 1900 species. ATTENTION: before you eat, check that the species is edible.

THERE IS BREAD MADE FROM CRICKET FLOUR? In 2017, a company from Finland launched this special flour. The company says that the bread has more protein than regular bread.

INSECTS COULD HELP FIGHT WORLD HUNGER? The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) believes that eating insects is the best way to prevent malnutrition.

IN THE PAST, ALL WESTERN COUNTRIES THOUGHT EATING SUSHI OR RAW FISH WAS STRANGE? With time, Japanese cuisine became appreciated by several cultures, and the FAO believes the same could happen with insects.

INSECTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY DIRTY? They can be raised with feed in specialized farms and be very clean – some companies do this already.

QUESTIONS – level 1

1. After reading the text, mark the option that is NOT correct:

a. Some countries in Asia have the habit of eating insects.
b. Not every species of insect can be eaten.
c. Beetles are tastier than termites, butterflies, or moths.
d. Insects are rich in nutrients. 2. What are the advantages of eating insects according to the text?

2. What are the advantages of eating insects according to the text?


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