Image by: Getty Images/Dolring Kindersley RF./Reprduction.

…Hiccups can occur when we eat too much, have a lot of carbonated drinks or even when we feel nervous?

…hiccups produce a noise because when they occur, the vocal folds vibrate?

…Start when the stomach presses the phrenic nerve, which is responsible for movements of the diaphragm, the muscle that controls breathing? When pressed, this nerve stimulates the diaphragm incorrectly. This momentarily interrupts air intake, causing the body to shake, which is the hiccup.

…Most of the time, hiccups go away on their own after a few minutes? However, those who have more persistent cases should seek medical attention.

…Holding your breath for a few seconds helps eliminate hiccups? Doing so makes the diaphragm contract, thus solving the problem.

…Being startled also helps eliminate hiccups? When you are suddenly frightened, the body releases adrenaline, a hormone that makes the phrenic nerve function normally again.

Sources: Virtual Health Library – Brazilian Health Ministry, Recreio magazine, and Dráuzio Varella’s website.

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