Credits: Getty Images/reproduction

… THE FIRST VISION AID WAS, IN FACT, A “READING STONE”? In the 13th century, Italian monks developed a lens made from polished rock and quartz (a type of mineral) that enlarged letters when it was placed on top of texts, which helped older monks read.

… THE GLASSES APPEARED IN WORKSHOPS IN MURANO, ITALY, AND UP TO THE YEAR 1300 COULD ONLY BE MADE THERE? The formulas were kept secret, and the glassmakers or cristallerie, even ran the risk of being killed if they shared it with strangers.

… THE VERSION THAT WE USE TODAY WAS CALLED “OVER THE EAR GLASSES”? The first pairs made were “scissor spectacles” that had to be held in front of the eyes. In the 18th century, glasses that had nose pads and handles and were held behind the ears appeared in London, England and continue to be the current model.

… SUNGLASSES ORIGINATED IN ANCIENT ROME? Emperor Nero (ruled between the years 54 and 68 AD) used an emerald to protect his eyes from sunlight.

Sources: Vogue Portugal and Zeiss.

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