…FUNGI ARE NOT JUST MUSHROOMS? They represent one of the five living organism kingdoms, the Fungi kingdom. Fungi can be mushrooms, as well as mold, yeast, and other organisms that are essential for the functioning of the eco-system.

…THEY CAN HELP HOLD BACK GLOBAL WARMING? A new study, published in June 2023 in the scientific journal Current Biology estimates that 36% of annual carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) – one of the gases that increase greenhouse gas emissions – are absorbed by underground fungi.

…THE LARGEST FUNGUS IN THE WORLD STRETCHES OVER 10 SQUARE KILOMETERS, THE EQUIVALENT TO CLOSE TO A THOUSAND SOCCER FIELDS? They belong to the Armillaria genus, weigh hundreds of tons and are between 2 and 8 thousand years old.

… FUNGI HAVE DIFFERENT WAYS OF FEEDING? There are three categories: saprophagous, which feed off decaying carcasses; predators, which eat small animals; and parasites that feed on substances found in live organisms – these are the ones that cause mycosis in humans.

Sources: National Geographic, Superinteressante, and Toda Matéria.

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