…the first vehicles to use gasoline were invented in Germany? In 1886, German Karl Friedrich Benz announced the invention of a car with three wheels. In the same year, German Gottlieb Daimler also presented a car with four wheels.

… the longest car ever made is 30 metres long (twice the length of a bus)?
It is a limousine called American Dream that has 26 wheels and a swimming pool inside it.

…the smallest car permitted on roads is close to the size of a child’s electric car?
The car is only 63 centimetres tall and 1.26 metres long. On the road, the vehicle has permission to go up to 40 km/hr – even though it can reach 55 km/hr.

… the record speed for a car is 490 km/hr?
Named Bugatti Chiron, the vehicle is faster than Formula 1 cars, which had the highest speed ever reached in a race of 372.6 km/hr.

Sources:  Auto Esporte, Guinness World Records, History Channel, Quatro Rodas, and USA Today

1) Which of the alternatives is true?

a) The longest car in the world is so large that a swimming pool fits inside it.
b) A Formula 1 car is as fast as the car created by Karl Friedrich Benz.
c) Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler invented the first means of transportation in history.
d) Child electric cars are already allowed on roads.

2) Would you be brave enough to ride in the fastest car in the world? Why?

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