…the white bellbird can sing the highest among all birds? It is common in the states of Roraima and Pará, and its singing can reach up to 125 decibels (unit used to measure the intensity of sounds). That is higher than what is commonly reached in rock concerts (close to 120 decibels).

… the elephant bird from Madagascar is the largest bird that has ever existed on Earth? It has been extinct for thousands of years, was up to three metres tall and weighed over 800 kilos. Currently, the biggest bird on Earth is the ostrich, which reaches up to 2.70 metres in height and close to 130 kilos in weight.

… researchers estimate that there are close to 18 thousand bird species in the world? This figure was announced in a study by the American Museum of Natural History in New York, in the United States, in 2016.

… millions of years ago, ancestors of current birds had teeth?  As the species evolved, they were not needed anymore and gave way to the beak. Birds, which nowadays do not have teeth, rely on the gizzard (the part that is responsible for grinding up food) for their digestion.


1) According to the text, why did birds stop having teeth?
a) Because they started using stones to eat
b) Because they do not need to grind food anymore
c) Because they use their feet to break down food
d) Because teeth were no longer needed

2) Which species of bird would you like to get to know well?

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