James Brand is a resident of Merseyside, England. He had a problem with an order placed on Amazon (a company that sells many products). He decided to talk to an agent using the company’s online chat tool. That is when he found himself talking to “Princess Diana”. Diana is the name of one of the most famous princesses in the history of England. She died in 1997.

When he saw the name, James laughed. He thought it was a joke. “Is Diana actually dead – or working for Amazon?” he joked with his wife. In a report published on January 20th, the British newspaper Mirror says that it reached out to Amazon representatives. They said that Princess Diana was the real name of the employee.

Source: Mirror

1) According to the text, what was James Brand’s reaction when he came across the name of the attendant?

a) He thought it was funny.
b) He was scared.
c) He thought the attendant wanted to play a joke on him.
d) He was nervous.

2) What do you know about the Princess Diana who was really part of the British Royal Family?

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