For the first time, Zelda’s character is the main character of the plot (Photo by promotional video)

The game “The legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom”, from “The Legend of Zelda” Nintendo series, was launched on September 24th. For the first time, Zelda’s character is the main character of the plot: the princess avatar is controlled by players in a storyline that includes solving various puzzles.

Although her name appears in the game’s title, this is the first version in which Zelda has an avatar that can be controlled. In this story, while trying to rescue the princess, the character Link fights a tough battle against the villain Ganon and ends up being absorbed by a magical portal. As a result, control of the game is passed on to Zelda, who escapes and now must save the kingdom. The game, which is available for the Nintendo Switch console, is already on sale on the Nintendo website and other platforms.

The Legend of Zelda

Released in 1986, the Nintendo game is set in the medieval kingdom of Hyrule. The main story features Link, a hero who has to save Princess Zelda and the entire kingdom from Ganon, the villain. The world of Zelda includes over  20 official games which can be played in chronological order or not. It combines elements of fantasy and magic with quests to solve mysteries, searches for lost objects, clashes with monsters and villains, and other adventures in the franchise’s universe. It is worth noting that each game in the series features new and unique scenarios in the kingdom of Hyrule, which enables players to always have new experiences.

Sources: Nintendo, IGN, Folha de São Paulo

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