Read the portuguese version of this report on the Joca website (Image by Getty Images/reproduction)

With the goal of increasing children and teenager adoption, the National Council of Justice (CNJ) launched a program on September 2nd to connect families to boys and girls waiting to be adopted. Information such as the young people’s first name, age, as well as photos and videos, are available on the platform. The data are located in a restricted area of the National Adoption and Reception System (SNA) and can only be accessed by those authorized by the Justice Department.

The tool dubbed Busca Ativa (active search in English) had already been in use in some states but was not yet available in the entire country. Only children and teenagers who can authorize the use of their personal information will be on the platform. To stop the dissemination of the data, the SNA has included a watermark (type of stamp on a document) with the name and CPF (tax id) of those who make a query. This way, if information is disclosed by anyone, they will be identifiable.

According to CNJ data, close to 4,000 boys and girls living in foster homes are waiting to be adopted. Of these, approximately 2,300 will find it harder to be matched with a family because they are older, are part of a group of siblings, or have an illness or disability.


In 2020, when the last survey of this kind was conducted by the CNJ, more than 30,000 children and teenagers were living in shelters under the SNA. Of these, 5,000 were eligible for adoption – which means that they had already gone through the legal process for this (find out more in issue 177). The region with the largest number of young people in shelters was the Southeast with 15,000, while the North had 1,900, the lowest amount. The biggest age group was made up of teenagers: 8,600 were over 15 years old.

Since 2019, the SNA has already carried out 12,400 adoptions. Of these*:

  • 47% are brown;
  • 39.3% are white;
  •  10.3% are black;
  • 550 were up to 2 years old;
  • 51 were between the ages of 14 and 16 years.

*CNJ data released on September 5th, 2022


1) Which statement is true?

a) Only information from young people who can authorize it will be on the platform.

b) Information on all young people under foster care is available in the system.

c) Busca Ativa only began operating in a Brazilian state now.

d) Busca Ativa is exclusive to states in the Southeast.

2) Which measures do you think would work to get more children and teenagers adopted?

Sources: CNJ, CNN Brasil and O Globo.

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