Credits: video/reproduction.

In West Gippsland, Australia, a calf drew attention and went viral on social media because of the shape of the birthmark on its hide: a smiley face. Because of this, the calf was named Happy. It drew many curious people to Megan and Barry Coster’s farm which is where the calf was born.

Because of Happy’s recent fame, Megan and Barry decided to sell the calf. It was purchased for the equivalent of 35,000 reais by the organizers of Farm World, an animal exhibition event that took place between March 24th and 26th in Australia. According to its new owners, Happy will now live with other animals on a farm with a lot of space. The money collected through the sale of the calf will be donated to a local hospital.

Sources: ABC, G1, Ticket Booth and UOL

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