The Organising Committee of the Paris Olympics in 2024 has suggested that breakdancing, a type of street dance, be included in the event. The suggestion will be studied by the International Olympic Committee (COI) which has until December 2020 to make a decision.

“It’s an urban sport, universal and popular, with over a million B-Boys and B-girls in France,” wrote the organising committee on the Paris 2024 Twitter page. According to the organisation’s president, Tony Estanguet, participants will take part in “battles” where they will improvise movements based on the music.

Aside from breakdance, the committee suggested that skateboarding, rock climbing, and surfing also be put on the list of sports for the Paris Olympics. These modalities will debut in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic games, and the French entity wants them to be in the 2024 edition as well.

What is breakdancing?
It is a style of dance that was created in New York, in the United States, in the 1970s. Swayed by music, participants make daring moves with their bodies. In competitions, generally there are judges that rate the performances and select who will move on to the next stage of the competition.

Breakdancing in the Youth Olympic Games
Last year, the modality debuted in the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was a huge hit with the audience.


1) What can we conclude from the text?

a) The success of the modality in the Youth Olympic Games might be taken into consideration in the COI’s decision.
b) The success of the modality in the Youth Olympic Games will have no bearing in the COI’s decision.
c) The Youth Olympic Games are as important as the Olympics.
d) The COI banned the modality from the adult competitions.

2) What do you think about breakdancing being on the list of Olympic sports? Explain your answer.


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