At the Sumaúma installation, visitors follow the growth of this Amazonian tree from seed to roots and development in 360 degrees. Credits: MUSEU JARDIM BOTÂNICO_RENATO MANGOLIN

SINCE MARCH 8TH, the city of Rio de Janeiro has a new cultural venue, the Botanical Gardens Museum. The museum has 14 rooms and is located in a 20th century mansion. Admission is free.

Three of the rooms feature installations by Brazilian artist and indigenous rights activist Denilson Baniwa. One of them is the exhibition “Muputyra – Nascer em Flores” about indigenous everyday life, and nature.

There are temporary exhibitions too, and by the entrance, there is a permanent exhibition conceived in collaboration with a committee of employees and researchers from the Botanical Gardens Research Institute. “Sumaúma: Copa, Casa, Cosmos”, a work by Estevão Ciavatta with audio narration by actress and presenter Regina Casé, is hosted there. It is a kind of immersion in Sumaúma, an Amazonian tree that is part of the Botanical Garden’s living collection. Visitors can watch the plant grow in 360 degrees in projections.

There is also a reading space with books from the Botanical Gardens’ Barbosa Rodrigues Library, areas to host events, and a lab where visitors can see the representation of a plant cell, for example.

The project was funded by a 12 million reais sponsorship from Shell, a multinational oil company. The Development and Management Institute (IDG) is responsible for taking care of the site.


WHERE: Rua Jardim Botânico, 1008, Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

OPENING HOURS: every day, except Wednesdays, from 10am to 5pm, with admissions until 4pm.

ADMISSIONS: free, but tickets must be obtained in advance through the website

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