The aurora borealis recorded in Norway, in Earth’s northern most region where the phenomenon is more common. Image by: GETTY IMAGES/500PX PRIME E NASA/SDO

On February 26 th, a phenomenon called the aurora borealis spread across the skies of the United Kingdom (formed by the countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). It even reached cities in the south of England. Many locals were surprised as the effect can often only be seen further north on the continent and hardly reaches southernmost regions.

English cities including Kent, Cornwall, Shropshire, and Cambridgeshire were able to watch the light show, and several people shared images of the aurora online. The Met Office (UK’s national meteorological service) published on its social media some of the records made throughout the night and announced that the phenomenon could also be seen the next day.

What is the aurora borealis?

It is a visual phenomenon that projects lights and colorful designs onto the sky. The aurora happens when solar winds (bursts of particles coming from the Sun) are attracted to the Earth’s magnetic poles — at the extreme north and south— and come into contact with the oxygen and nitrogen that are present in the atmosphere. When it occurs in the southern end of the Earth, the event is called aurora australis.

Earth’s magnetic fields (in blue) protect the planet from particles coming from the solar wind. The interaction between these particles and elements in the Earth’s atmosphere creates the aurora borealis and australis.

Sources: BBC, Brasil Escola, G1, Met Office and The Guardian.

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Comentários (8)

  • DUMONT 15

    11 meses atrás

    Gostei muito dessa imagem é muito colorida

  • DUMONT 26

    11 meses atrás

    Kakakak ameiiii

  • DUMONT 26

    11 meses atrás

    Kakakak ameiiii

  • DUMONT 26

    11 meses atrás

    Eu amei a imagens da aurora boreal ela é linda e colorida(• _ •) (>♡<) amei

  • DUMONT 26

    11 meses atrás

    Eu amei a imagens da aurora boreal e bem colorida e bonita Aluna pyetraaparecidagomesfarias 5⁰B professora Cristina escola Henrique Dumont Villares ameiiii (•_•) (>♡)>

  • DUMONT 25

    11 meses atrás

    Adorei as imagens são muito bonitas adoro ciências Matheus s Henrique Dumont

  • DUMONT 11

    11 meses atrás

    Eu adorei as imagens da Aurora Boreal!!Eu amo ciências e essas imagens são lindas!!! Gabriel 5° ano B _ Henrique Dumont Villares.

  • DUMONT 11

    11 meses atrás

    Adorei amei essas imagens são lindas adoro ciências Gabriel Lima Henrique Dumont villares

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