In the Harry Potter saga, the Marauder’s Map is revealed in a scroll when the wizards use a spell. The map has become a hot topic during the pandemic. The magic is a creation of American artist Stefanie Hook. She came up with black facial masks that reveal the image of the map after a few seconds of use. The idea went viral on May 12th when Hook posted a video of the image gradually being revealed on the fabric.

The map reveals itself when the mask is placed on someone’s face. This is because it needs to be in contact with a temperature of about 27 degrees Celsius, which happens when the user breathes. After being removed from the face and cooling down, the mask turns black again. That is how, just as in the saga, the map appears and disappears several times. 

Sources:  Huffpost, Mirror, and The Sun 


1) How is the design revealed in the mask?
a) Through heat
b) By magic
c) Through a button
d) In random moments 

2) If you could make one item from the Harry Potter saga real, which would it be?

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