CORALINE (Henry Selick) – By Bernardo B., age 10, member of Clube do Joca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ.

Coraline is an 11-year-old girl who has just moved into the Pink Palace, a big house that Wybie Lovat thinks is haunted. I really liked the film because it was a very well-made Stop Motion animation [a technique where puppets are used] film. The story is fictional, but you feel as if you are there, and have to solve the problem, which is exciting. I was delighted by this film. Even though I am not the biggest fan of fiction stories, it seems that Coraline is of another kind. For me, Coraline is a different film in the best possible way.

PORÉM BRUXA (HOWEVER WITCH) (Carol Chiovatto – Suma Publishing) – By Sarah W., age 11, member of Clube do Joca, Curitiba – PR.

Porém Bruxa is a Brazilian book written by Carol Chiovatto. It is about the life of a woman called Isis, a witch in charge of monitoring supernatural activities in São Paulo. At one point, she is given three missions connected to each other: a disappearance, a kidnapping, and a stolen magical object. Isis is not supposed to be concerned about things that are not magical, but she cannot shake the feeling that she has to help. Isis, Victor (the inspector) and some friends in common must face a wizard, find a girl, and deal with the mysterious past of another inspector.

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