Credits: divulgation

KAFKA AND THE TRAVELING DOLL (Jordi Sierra i Fabra, Martins Fontes Publishing) – By Pietro F. M., sixth grade classroom D, Santa Amália Maple Bear Tatuapé School, São Paulo (SP state)

I recommend the book “Kafka and the Traveling Doll” by author Jordi Sierra i Fabra to all readers who enjoy beautiful, adorable stories.

The book tells the story of Franz Kafka, the famous Czech writer. Kafka is strolling through Steglitz Park [in Berlin, Germany] when he comes across a little girl crying because she has lost her doll. To console the girl, he pretends that he is a mailman for dolls and delivers letters that have actually been written by him.

The girl and Kafka start meeting every day to experience something unique: reading the letters fi lled with adventures “written” by Brígida, the traveling doll. I loved the story because it is really loving and sensitive.

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