Credits: divulgation

SNOW WHITE (Brothers Grimm, various publishers) – By Clarice Marie L., 6th grade classroom B, EMEF Professor Ricardo Vitiello, São Paulo (SP state)

Hello, readers!

We are the 6th grade B class, and we are very happy to be sharing what we thought about the original Snow White story, written by the Brothers Grimm around the 1800s, with you.

Did you know that the Disney version we are familiar with is not the original Snow White story? That is because Disney thought it was best to change a few things to make the story more appropriate for children. The coolest thing is that it is not the prince who saves Snow White from the poisoned apple.

As far as the story goes, we think that when it is time for Snow White to get her revenge, she is even more evil than her stepmother. Do you want to know how she gets her revenge? Read the story (below).

The queen tries to kill the girl several times, but is unsuccessful because the dwarfs always find a way to save Snow White. As we mentioned before, it’s not the prince who saves Snow White’s life with a kiss, and we think that’s very cool because we women don’t need prince charming to come and rescue us. We can do it ourselves. We just didn’t like it that much because in the end, the prince tries to buy the princess. Women are not objects to be bought.

If you liked this, it’s likely that you’ll also enjoy A Pretinha de Neve e Os Sete Gigantes, which is another version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs written by Rubem Filho. Until next time and happy reading!

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