Guaraci the Frog (A Fada Mirabela e o Sapo Guaraci, by Ana Stoppa, Mundo Criar Publishing) – By students from third grade classroom C at Prof. Alberto Gandur School, Jales (SP state)

Mirabela the Fairy and Guaraci the Frog is a book written by Ana Stoppa and illustrated by Roney Bunn. Ana Stoppa is also an environmentalist, and her work deals with issues such as the environment, citizenship, healthy lifestyles, cooperation, friendship, and environmental awareness.

Using simple language and colorful drawings, Ana tells the story of a family of frogs that lives in the Turmalina Lagoon, in an environmental conservation area. One of the frogs, Guaraci, is not very happy because of the rules there. He wants to visit the Cascalho Lagoon, about which he has heard good things. Mirabela, the fairy, gives the frog the chance to go on the trip and shows him that Cascalho Lagoon is not the way he has imagined it, and that to live in a clean environment, everyone needs to do their part.

The book is a great option for kids like us, because it helps instill respect for the environment through the magic of reading. Also, we really appreciated finding out that, as part of a reading incentive project, the author gave out free copies of her book to several public schools in different regions of Brazil. What an admirable stance!

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