
Tempo de Caju (Cashew Time, by Socorro Acioli, Editora Positivo) – By third grade classroom A students from E.E. Expedicionários Brasileiros, Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo state)

Born in Fortaleza (Ceará state), Socorro Acioli recalls the smell and flavor of cashews in her childhood memories in this enchanting book, Tempo de Cajú. The story is based on the ancient indigenous Brazilian tradition, in which cashews were the element used to mark time in the calendar of the Tupis, a group that lived on the Brazilian coast.

The book tells the story of a curumim (indigenous child in the Tupi language) named Porã, his grandfather, the wiseman Tamandaré, and his people who lived in peace. Suddenly, enemies threaten to invade the village. Then, they have to leave in a hurry, bringing only what is necessary.

Porã takes his most precious treasure, a beautiful fruit from the calabash [which is used as a vessel when dry] decorated with fish. It holds 70 Brazil nuts inside that Porã received from his deceased grandfather. He also brings his own gourd with seven Brazil nuts which is used to keep track of one’s age in the indigenous tradition.

The reader will discover, in our opinion, a beautiful story about the strength and courage of a group of indigenous people, with examples of perseverance and behaviors to maintain life and tradition.

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