Credits: divulgation

Menina Bonita do Laço de Fita (The Pretty Girl with the Ribbon Bow – by Ana Maria Machado, Editora Ática) Third grade classroom B students from the E.E. Recanto das Orquídeas, Juquitiba (SP state)

The book Menina Bonita do Laço de Fita is a literary classic written by Ana Maria Machado with illustrations by Claudius. It tells the story of a beautiful black girl, with braided hair and colorful ribbons, and that of a white rabbit with red eyes and a twitchy nose.

To the rabbit, the girl is the most beautiful one he has ever seen. He tries to turn black in several ways, including by bathing in a bucket of black paint, drinking coffee, eating jabuticaba, and he hears about a certain feijoada, but nothing comes of it.

The book has a beautiful black girl as the main character, which is very different from other fairy tales we know. It is about diversity and different cultures, respecting each person’s characteristics and style, and that we should never give up on our dreams. Prejudice is a very ugly thing.

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