Credits: divulgation

Pinocchio (directed by Robert Zemeckis, Disney, 2022) By third grade classroom A students from Parque Mikail, Guarulhos (SP)

The movie Pinocchio from 2022, directed by Robert Zemeckis, is about an old carpenter who wants to have a son. So, he makes a wooden doll and wishes for it to be real. The blue fairy makes the carpenter’s wish come true. Together, they have many adventures, including one in a circus, where Pinocchio learns how to lie. When he lies, his nose grows. In another adventure, father and son are swallowed by a whale.

We think the film is very good because there is a lot of action, adventure, and it is entertaining. Also, it is a very realistic production, where characters like the grasshopper, the whale, the bird, the fox, and the fish seem to be real. The story is also very interesting, because it is about the love and affection between father and son.

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