Credits: divulgation

Extraordinary (directed by Stephen Chbosky, United States, 2017) — By third grade students from classroom B at Professor José Carlos João Public School, Presidente Prudente (SP state)

We watched the film Extraordinary which addresses the issue of bullying through Auggie’s story. Auggie is a 10-year-old boy born with a rare disease. He goes through 27 surgeries and then has to start going to school.

At school, nobody wants to be close to him, they look at him weirdly, laugh, and write notes. However, little by little, Auggie adapts and makes friends. (…)

The movie ends with a group of children protecting the boy and his friend from getting beaten up. Auggie is paid homage to for having taught everyone a major lesson.

This film made us reflect and it made some classmates feel what the student felt. We should not bully anyone because it only brings suffering, and we need to only wish others well so that only good comes back to us.

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