Credits: divulgation.

Odd Velvet (Mary E. Whitcomb, Editora Cosac & Naify and others) By third grade students from Professor José Carlos João public school, Presidente Prudente (SP state)

The book Odd Velvet is the story of a girl who is bullied because she is different from other kids. She has freckles, wears glasses, her clothes are not new, and her favorite toy is a strange plant with different colors.

The girl is very creative, she makes presents, drawings and games unlike any other. As the story unfolds, her friends notice that Velvet is different, but at the same time, also just like them.

At first, we thought the story would be sad all the way to the end, but then things became interesting. Our class loved how the book ended. We learned that we cannot judge people based on their looks or their personality, taste, or opinions. We must live together while respecting everyone’s individuality.

Credits: divulgation.

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