Article published in Joca 202

Dear Dumb Diary, Let’s pretend this NEVER happened (Jim Berton, Editora Fundamento and others) By Luisa R., Colégio Santo Ivo, São Paulo (SP state)

The book Dear Dumb Diary is about Jamie Kelly, a girl who has always seen the perfect girl, Angelina, as bad. Jamie wants to be like Angelina. So, she dyes her hair blond, but it looks ugly. She also tries to get Angelina’s school records to harm her.

The story is entertaining, with funny and unusual moments, so I recommend it. The part I liked the most is when Jamie’s cousin eats a peach and becomes really swollen. Then, Angelina’s hair, which is in Jamie’s backpack, gets stuck on her cousin’s face. He ends up looking like an elf because of the swelling and of Angelina’s hair on his face. I learned that if you do something good for others, when you need it, you will have someone help you too!

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